Toyota to embrace online car shopping

Posted on 8/18/2015 11:25:03 AM

That's according to Bill Fay, general manager of the Toyota Division, encompassing both brands. Fay told Automotive News this month at a press briefing here that 2016 Toyota Tacoma plans to launch its own version of the program of voluntary transactions online pure Scion Plus process in six to 12 months.

Blame the change in children.

"Millennials are beginning to express that they would like to do more shopping online," Fay said. "I like to connect shopping for a shopping experience ... you have to be faster and transparent".

The Scion and Mitsubishi head rotor 149701-0520 initiatives are part of a broader by automakers, dealers and others to simplify the car buying through online tools and mobile movement.

Large auto groups like AutoNation Inc. and Sonic Automotive have established online stores allow consumers to complete many facets of a typical online transaction. Shop-Click-Drive General Motors program allows customers to find vehicles, negotiate prices and manage the paperwork online. And TrueCar Inc. has built its business around connecting its dealer network with leads generated through their web sites and mobile applications to minimize price haggling.

Fay said Toyota and Scion programs are not an effort to compete with the big dealer groups and TrueCar are doing. Rather, he said, they are a response to changes in the buying habits of consumers and how to work with dealers to offer a more integrated experience. Toyota dealers who choose the program have yet unnamed flexibility in how they implement it in its stores, the company said.

Fay said Toyota will use what you are learning Pure Plus Process to shape the Toyota program, including information technology and finance and insurance sides of the operation. The goal, he said, is to reduce the time a customer spends in the physical dealership about an hour.

Scion configuration allows the user to go online, collect and spec Scion vehicle; find local dealers for the exact vehicle; information on prices, taxes and fees; calculate the monthly payments; obtain an estimate on a trade-in, and request and obtain approval for credit with a certificate to take to the dealership.

Scion driver on US 60 program has participating dealers, with 30 more expected to join later this year.

The company says that 150 is expected in late 2016, of the 1,000 total Scion dealers.

Toyota dealers will preview the online service in a national dealer meeting next month.

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